Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Finding productivity no matter how busy (or not) your day is

Have you ever found yourself with a full workday with only one meeting scheduled? Have you been excited to have a day to catch up on tasks that have been waiting for long stretches of time? But as the day goes on, you find yourself distracted more and more and have a hard time concentrating.

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Let the good times roll

Last month, Janel traveled to New Orleans to attend the Global Scrum Gathering with roughly 700 other attendees. Over three days, she networked and learned with other agile practitioners.

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Love/Hate Relationship with Time Tracking

… expect that you’ll have some bumps in the road as you start tracking your tasks. Once your system or method of tracking is established, it will get easier to track.

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Focusing on your customers

Whether it is capturing that data in an excel spreadsheet, or an Airtable base or even a formal CRM software tool, tracking relationships and interactions with your customers is crucial.

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Everyone needs a little coaching

The point of this exercise was to show that sometimes everyone needs a little coaching to improve and grow their skills. How have you been a coach recently? Is there some skill that you need coaching in?

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

How do you define a leader?

When you saw that question you may have thought it would be easier to answer by saying what a leader is not. We could define a leader by using the dictionary. Or describing qualities of great leaders we've experienced in our lifetime. Or perhaps listing your own traits and personality.

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Janel Kinlaw Janel Kinlaw

Fail Fast - a real life story

Startups and established companies using the agile methodology have a mantra - "fail early, fail fast, fail often." I've been a big champion for failing fast over the years and I even won an "award" at a previous employer for failing during an innovation day.

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